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More Need Than Ever For Nonprofit Strategy

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare explained it best, when he said, we hold the keys to our own destiny. From routine, daily decisions to the big picture strategy, the success of your nonprofit is within your control. In a pandemic, it doesn’t always feel like we control much, but the truth is the actions that are taken today define the future success of a nonprofit’s tomorrow. Remaining stagnant or hoping for a return to status quo cannot be an option, yet that is often the most common course of action.. The American Association of Museums offers a sobering finding that one in three museums are in danger of closing due to COVID19 in a recent survey of Museum Directors. Similarly,
Now, more than ever, nonprofits need to build a strong, adaptable strategic plan to help navigate and elevate their organization in uncertain times. Unfortunately, the word “strategy” has become a gimmicky catchphrase, but it shouldn’t reduce the importance of the true definition of the word. Building a good Strategic Plan is critical for today’s nonprofit. It is the answer to finding ways to intelligently, collaboratively build a vision and mission for an organization and detailed steps to reach important goals.